Refresh Your
Old / End-of-life
IT Hardware
Reduce the Risk of equipment failure
Worried about IT Performance?
One of the biggest challenges faced, especially in the post-pandemic reality, today, is the performance of the IT landscape. From increased load to 24×7 utilization, CIOs and IT Managers alike have a lot on their plates to keep the enterprise engine going.
With Gartner suggesting that 80% of the enterprise datacenters will see the sunset by 2025 , the threat of obsolescence is not just growing but complicating maintaining a consistent strategy today. The principal challenge faced here is maintaining performance efficiency and effectiveness while also preparing for the future.
Turning Pain into Performance
What if your current IT need not be a source of pain?
What if your IT budget doesn’t need to be significantly higher each time you need a refresh?
These are the questions we at ServerBasket ask ourselves every single time we are faced with a customer, taking stock, reviewing performance, or in fact, any of the day-to-day activities at ServerBasket. Consequently, we were able to put together an offering that helps address the principal challenges CIOs face today, including:
Balancing The Cost Of Performance With Reliability.
Making Infrastructure Available To Everyone, With Low Latency And High Availability.
Implementing An Adequate BC/DR Strategy.
Reducing The Cost Implications Of Periodic IT Refresh.
Maintaining Hardware Currency And Resilience.
Disposing Of Obsolete Or Refreshed Hardware Responsibly.
Getting Started on the Road to Reliability
ServerBasket can help you get started today. Without the five and six-figure price tags, our hardware solutions can reduce the need for excessive reviews of the cost-benefit analysis of IT Refresh.
You Can Buy, Lease, Or Rent New Hardware.
You Can Also Do The Same With Certified Refurbished Hardware.
You Can Choose To Refresh Your Hardware By Rehosting Them At Our Data Centers.
You Can Subscribe To Our Device As A Service.
Service, Support, and Savings
Once you’re on board with us, you get our fanatic support services, whether at your premises, at ours, or via our Remote Infrastructure Management teams. We work with you to translate your business needs into a transparent infrastructure operating model that allows you to:
Predict your needs for the future.
Balance Capacity with Utilization
Reduce cost even further
Add transparency to your IT Services
Responsible, Responsive, and Reliable
At ServerBasket, we are an integrated solution and service provider in the sense that we strike a balance between results and responsibility. We don’t just give you new hardware. We dispose of your current inventory using our authorized e-Waste disposal operations.
Since our e-waste disposal operations are integrated into our overall offering, we take back as we deliver, relieving you of the pressure of maintaining real estate for storing obsolete and culled assets.
As a result, your IT asset Management is streamlined alongside your IT asset performance.
The Business Case
Our customers typically correspond with one of the following three categories of business cases.
- Embarking on a long-term digital transformation, but required to maintain the current landscape.
- The need for improved Recovery Point, and Recovery Time Objectives in the BC/DR strategy.
- Exploring new ways of working with Cloud, VDI, and other Cloud and Hyper-Converged Infrastructure solutions
In each of these business cases, the current Asset Inventory is one wrought with End of Life, End of Support, and hardware otherwise nearing obsolescence. Between the need to maintain business as usual and the imminent or near-term sunset of the hardware needing a refresh, we help take a Pragmatic approach to the IT Refresh while not compromising on Performance or Price. Together, Performance, Price, and Pragmatism form the three-point value proposition of our IT Refresh services.
Key Benefits
Wide Product Range
we maintain an exhaustive inventory of hardware in a multitude of configurations. This allows you to pick your inventory and have it shipped immediately.
Significant price-point advantage
Both our new and refurbished hardware assets are offered at a significant discount, allowing you to choose what you need rather than what your budget can afford you.
Backed by services – not just a warranty
We offer Infrastructure Managed Services, Hardware Support, and Remote Infrastructure Management support for each of the devices you procure from us. This translates into a lowered cost of maintenance and improved performance due to our more experienced support teams.
Performance at Scale
All our devices are scalable – which means that you don’t need to add new hardware for new business cases – you can easily upgrade your existing hardware with compute, memory, and storage without delay or the need for deliberation
Buyback Options
We don’t just give. We also take back. Beyond merely performing the hygiene wipes, we perform regulation-compliant e-Waste disposal.
We also work with your Corporate Social Responsibility teams to help repurpose salvageable devices to charities and philanthropic initiatives. This further prolongs the life of the assets, reducing the percentage of asset components entering landfills, thus reducing your organization’s e-waste footprint.