Saas Hosting
Customized Dedicated Server Hosting 30 Days Free Trial
- Custom Plans at Low Price
- Server Remote Management (IPMI, KVM,IDRAC, ILO, etc..)
- Anti-DDoS protection
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Tier 4 DC with 99.995% Uptime
- 24/7 Hosting Assistance
₹7,999.00₹9,199.00 -
Admin soft Accounting Software
- Access from any where
- Run on any verssions of win dows
- Used for billing
- Monitor payroll
- Online accounting software
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Adminsoft accounting software online in India to manage business accounts, run on any os, applicable for small business, web based accounting software hosting
₹3,499.00₹4,999.00 -
Apac Accounting and Business Management Hosting
- WebERP is an entire web based
- webERP is an entire web based
- Easy to use
- User friendly software
- Host online
- Web based application
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Top Web ERP Accounting and business management software online in india, web based application management, best CRM, ERP software online
₹17,000.00₹18,999.00 -
Apponitment Maker Software
- Book appointment via web
- Appointment reminder
- Book meetings and events
- Manage meetings, customers
- Flexible software
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best Appointment maker software to book appointment via simple web, fast and secure software, business profit increase exponentially, host online
₹4,999.00₹7,999.00 -
Bizz wizz Software Host Online
- Statements and Invoicing
- Stock Control and Pricing
- Book Keeping Ledger
- Automated Reporting
- Balance Sheet
- Custom Reports
- Tracking
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Top Bizz Wizz accounting software online in India to manage invoicing, bookkeeping, point of Sale, web based application hosting, open source software
₹1,700.00₹1,900.00 -
Bookient appointment scheduling software
- multi-location,multi-vendor, multi-channel
- Online scheduling system
- Accessible from any where
- Make appointment online
- Bookient suitable for any business
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best bookient online appointment software in India to manage appointments, web based application hosting online, fast and secure software
₹899.00₹1,800.00 -
Buy Dell, HP, Http, P2p ISP Caching Server
- Exclusive of Taxes
₹14,999.00₹18,999.00 -
CandidATS Recruiting Software
- Sent emails for candidATS
- Post job openings, manage candidates,
- online recruiting software
- Easy to use recruitment software
- simplifies and optimizes your hiring process
- Fund Flow & Cash Flow
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best candidAts accounting sofware online to manage candidATS profiles, web based application hosting, open source applicant tracking software
₹4,999.00₹5,999.00 -
CATS Applicant Tracking Software
- Hiring process will be fast
- CATS is web based application
- Applicant tracking software is fast and secure
- Opensourec CATS software
- Hire faster with applicant tracking system
- CATS software accessed from any search engine
- Manage Recruitment Process
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Open source web based CATS applicant tracking system online in India, host online, hiring process will be fast
₹39,000.00₹42,000.00 -
Certified SAP Application Server
- Certified SAP application servers in India
- Cost-Effective SAP server for sale
- Leading SAP application services
- Build on your own premises
- Guaranteed SLAs for your SAP environment
- Automated backup facility
- Sap certified datacenter
- Secure network with firewall and anti-virus protection
- Bullet proof security
- 24×7 professional support
Best certified SAP application servers for sale in India with high end sap hosting hardware, sap certified datacenter, 100% uptime, save money,low price guarantee,ready for purchase, one day delivery.
₹212,499.00₹244,399.00 -
Easy Appointments
- Easy Appointment is opensource software
- Easy Appointment can be added to any website
- Appointment easy for customers
- Easy Installation
- Simplifies easy appointment
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best Easy appointment software to makes appointments easy, web based application hosting, open source software online, easy inventory management
₹6,500.00₹8,500.00 -
Express Accounting Software Solution
- Sales And Accounts Receivables
- Purchases and Accounts Payable
- Inventory and Stocks
- Manufacturing
- Cash and Bank
- General Ledger
- Reports
- Access Levels and adaptations
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Top Express Accounting sofware solution to track report on small business income, expenditures, cash flow with express accounts, open source, online in India, web based application
₹19,000.00₹21,000.00 -
FlashRecruit Open Source Software
- Best chat software
- Electronic Communication
- Chat with job seekers
- Posts job posts in social media
- Hire faster with applicant tracking system
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best FlashRecruit software online in India, web based application, fast and secure application tracking software, open source software
₹39,000.00₹42,000.00 -
Front Accounting Web Hosting
- Sales And Accounts Receivables
- Purchases and Accounts Payable
- Inventory and Stocks
- Manufacturing
- Cash and Bank
- General Ledger
- Reports
- Access Levels and adaptations
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best front accounting software solution web based hosting online to manage Multi-Warehouse stock management, open source, simple ERP software online
₹749.00₹999.00 -
Glassfish Server Hosting
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Well Managed CPanel
- Bulletproof Security
- gfCluster
- Ticket Support At Any Time
- Jelastic Dashboard
- Unlimited Disk Space
- 100% Uptime
- Exclusive of Taxes
- Shipping Charges depend on location
Order Latest Glassfish Application Server Hosting In India With Dual Licensed Software, Unlimited Email Accounts, Moneyback Guarantee
₹7,599.00₹9,000.00 -
Gnu cash Financial Accounting Software
- Gnu cash is financial accounting software
- Suitable for small business
- Open source financial accounting software
- Control persinnel accounts
- Open source financial accounting software
- Double entry accounting software
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best gnu cash accounting software online to manage flow of cash over the bank, bookkeeping, double entry accounting software, reach financial targets
₹8,999.00₹9,999.00 -
Job Card Tracking Software Hosting
- Open source software
- User friendly software
- Provides information about accounts and money matters
- Features included in open miracle are inventory, payroll
- Provide complete solution for business
- Provides report for general accounts
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best Open miracle software solution management to provides general account report, open source software, host online web based application
₹900.00₹1,899.00 -
Job costing tracking system
- Important for business
- Get where profit is made in business
- Best ERP software
- Web based application
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best Job costing tracking system important for any kind of business to know where the profit is made, track the cost of material which is used during the job costing, manage projects
₹23,000.00₹25,000.00 -
Manager Accounting Software
- Accesses on anywhere
- Fully secured software
- Accesses by the multiusers
- Online accounting
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best Manager accounting software solution online, web based application, open source software, simple ERP software, hostinh software online
₹8,999.00₹11,000.00 -
NolaPro Accounting Software
- Manage accounts more efficiently
- Access from anywhere at any anytime
- Helps to track your account balance
- Accounts payable
- Report generation
- Reliable Software
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best standared account software hosting online help to track account balance, web based application hosting, open source software
₹799.00₹999.00 -
Open miracle accounting software
- Exclusive of Taxes
₹7,400.00₹8,000.00 -
OpenCATS Applicant Tracking Software
- Resume management
- Reporting
- Candidate Tracking
- Automated Reporting
- Hire faster with applicant tracking system
- Maitain Candidate Database
- Manage Recruitment Process
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Open source web based OpenCATS applicant tracking system online in India, recriting software, host online web based application, hire faster with applicant tracking system
₹14,999.00₹19,999.00 -
ReportServer Software Solution
- Financial Report
- Marketing Report
- Projection
- Sales Report
- Data Visualization
- Collaboration
- supported OS: Windows, Linux
- Scheduled / Automated Reports
- 24/7 tech support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Best web based hosting reporting server software solution online in India, open source, simple ERP, CRM, 24/7 support, access from any where
₹36,000.00₹39,000.00 -
Risk Free SAP HANA Servers
- Risk free SAP hana servers in India
- Boost your business with SAP hana servers
- Cost-Effective SAP hana hosting solutions
- Leading SAP application hosting services
- Free SAP database management
- Infrastructure optimized for enterprise SAP applications
- Sap Certified Datacenter
- Backups, upgrades & monitoring services
- 24×7 Professional Support
Check out the best offers on Risk free SAP Hana servers in India with high end sap hosting hardware, sap certified datacenter, 100% Uptime, Low price Guarantee.
₹11,999.00₹14,999.00 -
SAP Application Server
- Cost effective SAP application server
- Leading SAP Application Hosting Services
- Free SAP Database Management
- Automated backup facility
- Secure network with firewall and anti-virus protection
- Sap Certified Datacenter
- Bullet Proof Security
- 24×7 Professional Support
Buy an SAP application server in India with Free SAP applications, high-end sap hosting hardware, sap certified datacenter, 100% Uptime, Low price Guarantee.
₹11,999.00₹14,999.00 -
SAP Cloud Hosting
- Free SAP Database Management
- Guaranteed SLAs for your SAP environment
- Infrastructure optimized for enterprise SAP applications
- Any Time Upgrade and Downgrade
- Zero Investment in SAP Cloud
- Sap Certified Datacenter
- Bullet Proof Security
- 24×7 Professional Support
₹7,999.00₹8,878.00 -
SAP Crystal Server
- Sap crystal server for sale in India
- Cost-Effective SAP server for all types of businesses
- Leading SAPÂ services
- Build on your own premises
- Guaranteed SLAs for your SAP environment
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- Bullet proof security
- 24×7 sap enterprise support
Best sap crystal server for sale in India with high end sap hosting hardware, sap certified datacenter, 100% uptime, save money,low price guarantee,ready for purchase, one day delivery.
₹212,499.00₹244,399.00 -
SAP ERP Cloud Hosting Solutions
- Cost-Effective SAP ERP Cloud Hosting Solutions
- Leading SAP Application Hosting Services
- Free SAP Database Management
- Guaranteed SLAs for your SAP environment
- Infrastructure optimized for enterprise SAP applications
- Zero Investment on SAP Cloud
- Sap Certified Datacenter
- Bullet Proof Security
- 24×7 Professional Support
Get SAP Erp Cloud Hosting services with an optimized sap environment, Free SAP applications, high-end sap hosting hardware, 100% Uptime, Low Price Guarantee.
₹11,999.00₹14,999.00 -
SAP Hana Certified Servers
- SAP Hana certified servers in India
- Cost-Effective SAP hana hosting solutions
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- Low Cost SAP Hana Servers
- Free SAP database management
- Threat & vulnerability management
- Infrastructure optimized for enterprise SAP applications
- Sap Certified Datacenter
- Backups, upgrades & monitoring services
- 24×7 Professional Support
Check out the best deals on  SAP Hana certified servers in India with high end sap hana hosting hardware, sap certified datacenter, 100% Uptime, Low price Guarantee.
₹212,499.00₹244,399.00 -
SAP HANA Hosting Services
- Cost-Effective SAP Hana Hosting Solutions
- Leading SAP Application Hosting Services
- Free SAP Database Management
- Threat & vulnerability management
- Infrastructure optimized for enterprise SAP applications
- Certified SAP Cloud Services Partner
- Zero Investment on SAP Cloud
- Sap Certified Datacenter
- Backups, upgrades & monitoring services
- 24×7 Professional Support
Check out the best deals on SAP Hana Hosting services in India with Free SAP applications, high end sap hosting hardware, sap certified datacenter, 100% Uptime, Low Price Guarantee
₹11,999.00₹14,999.00 -
SAP Hana on Cloud ( VMware vSphere )
- SAP Hana on Cloud VMware Platform
- Easy SAP Hana Cloud Integration
- Free SAP Hana Cloud Trial
- SAP HANA Applications Enterprise Cloud
- Certified SAP Hana Cloud Experts
- Managed SAP Hana Cloud Services
- Next Generation ERP on SAP Hana Cloud
- Sap Certified Data Center
- Bullet Proof Security
- Easy to Migrate SAP Applications
Virtualizing SAP HANA on cloud VMware vSphere platform, improve efficiency and gain max business SAP outputs for customers with our managed SAP HANA cloud services on certified SAP/HANA Cloud data center, cost savings with our SAP hana services.
₹11,999.00₹14,999.00 -
SAP Hosted Solutions
- End-to-End SAP Server Solutions
- SAP Software Hosting Solutions on Cloud
- Instant Resolution for SAP Solutions
- SAP-Certified Infrastructure Provider
- Custom SAP Server Configuration Solutions
- Cost-Effective SAP Solutions
- 100 % Uptime Servers
- Cheap Price Guarantee
- 24×7 SAP-certified Support
- Exclusive of Taxes
Deploy your SAP application on ServerBasket secure cloud environment, We manage SAP hosted solutions provide end-to-end sap application management solutions
SaaS is software as a service which means that it is a software distribution model in which Server Basket hosts applications of your choice and makes them live and available to you over the internet. SaaS is one of the main categories of cloud computing. There are several advantages of SaaS hosting such as, you can own the software, i.e. you get the actual indefinite license, and you only pay once beyond the maintenance. If you stop paying for the maintenance of the software, it will continue to work at the version it is on.
Your data will be in the most secure data center that offers multi-site redundancy benefit in case of any disaster scenario. You can connect to the backups almost anywhere and can still bring your application back and live on the live road with little to no interruption.
Save Money by Leasing Saas:
We at Server Basket are offering SaaS on the lease. This can save up a lot of your money on buying hardware, to installing software and maintaining, upgrading the software etc. This is the best offer one can get as you invest less and gain more. If you are looking forward to getting software on a lease, then do not delay.
Ready to Use Software:
SaaS solutions are ideal if you want to get the software you need without having to take care of hassles such as installations and updates yourself. Many software is ready to use, and with SaaS, you get full software support from Server Basket. All you need to do is get in touch with our expert and share your requirement and leave the rest of it to us to take care of.
Multiple Products to Choose From:
We at Server Basket are offering a wide range of SaaS products to choose from. Some of the available products are Manager Accounting Software, Standard Accounts Software, Bizz Wiz Software, CATS Applicant Tracking Software, Candid ARTS Recruiting Software etc. All the products that are available from our store come with the lowest possible prices compared to any other store in the market.
Multiple Users Allowed:
SaaS from Server Basket supports multiple users and provides a shared data model through multi-tenancy model. Not only can you support multiple Customer alignments within your data store, but you can also connect multiple applications and partition the data so that they are secure and separate from each other.
Access from Anywhere:
As your selected software is installed and hosted in the cloud, it is easily accessible with the use of the internet, and the respected user can even access the software through mobile devices wherever they are connected. It includes checking and updating customer order histories before making a call for sales and also having access to real-time order details of the customer.
Fully managed SaaS Service:
We at Server Basket provide fully managed SaaS services. For many businesses, a SaaS solution usually works best. It benefits your business and can help you save money and time over traditional IT support and software. SaaS hosting scales up your business and allow you to customize your plans to get the right features and support you need to build a successful business.
24/7 Tech Support:
Server Basket provides 24/7 technical support to our Saas customers. We have the best technical support team, certified and experienced that can deal with any customer queries or issues related to SaaS hosting. You can reach out for the support services through live chat, phone call or emails.