VDI Application Server Hosting for Home Office (Remote Office)

14,999.0017,000.00 (-12%)

  • OS Compatibility
  • Access Remotely from Anywhere
  • High Security
  • Exclusive of Taxes
  • 100% Uptime
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Customize your own Configuration
  • Free Technical Assistance
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  • 7 Days Free Trial
  • Free 24×7 Remote Support
  • Tier 4 Data Center
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
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Plans for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

Product id
SpecificationsPrice /Month Plan
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Dual Xeon X5650 CPU/ 64 GB RAM/ 2x 1,000 GB SATARs.14,999/-
Dual Xeon X5650 CPU/ 128 GB RAM/ 4x 1,000 GB SATARs.19,999/-
Dual Xeon E5-2660 CPU/ 128 GB RAM/ 4x 1,000 GB SATARs.24,499/-
DSWFH-4Dual Xeon E5-2660 V2 CPU/ 256 GB RAM/ 4x 1,000 GB SATARs.29,499/-
DSWFH-5Dual Xeon E5-2673 V3 CPU/ 128GB RAM/ 4x 1,000 GB SATARs.34,499/-
DSWFH-6Dual Xeon E5-2673 V3 CPU/ 256GB RAM/ 4x 1,000 GB SATARs.43,999/-

Do you want to give your clients the flexibility and ease to access their desktops from any location or device remotely? Do you want to reduce your overall total cost of ownership (TCO) for IT infrastructure and get high security for your data? Server Basket brings Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) application servers for you, which host the desktop environments for you. These servers enable desktop virtualization as the virtual machines created on them run particular desktop images and deliver those to the end-users via a network. Our VDI solutions allow the VDI remote access for you and your clients and deliver a secure performance. Whichever applications you use, whether Citrix, VMware, or Microsoft, to allow VDI access for your end-users, our servers provide an efficient platform for their best performance. Along with the provision of remote access to virtual desktops from anywhere through these servers, we also assure you of an effective user monitoring system. Our VDI application servers ensure higher bandwidth and 100% uptime and come with our expert 24/7 technical support. And you pay just for the virtual machine (VM) and not for each VD.

Access Remotely from Anywhere

Businesses these days have a global outreach. Not only do they have clients spread across the globe but also, they have employees that work and collaborate from different locations. VDI enables them to connect to their virtual desktops from any device or location, making it convenient for them to obtain all their files and access applications. They can operate remotely from any place in the world.

Deliver Secure Performance

The VDI application servers deliver high security as in a VDI environment, all the data is located on the server, not on the client device. This way, the data stays protected if any endpoint device is compromised in any way. Also, the VDI platform is completely and centrally managed from a data center. It allows the administrators to apply software and security updates and patches, alter configurations and execute strategies for all virtual desktops across the infrastructure.

User Monitoring Assurance by SB

Server Basket provides user monitoring assurance with the VDI application server interface. We monitor the users who are logged on and the kind of applications they access and use. It is important to monitor the user profiles to keep the VDI environment and data secure. Our VDI servers have inbuilt user monitoring and management tools. Monitoring also helps in reducing latency during the logons and logoffs. Analyzing the logon patterns over time helps us detect and identify any inconsistencies.

No need to Pay for Each VD

VDI enables cost savings since all the processing happens on the server, there is the least requirement for hardware and end devices. Users can opt for different VMs according to their requirements, and they have to pay for VMs only and not for each of the virtual desktops they create using a VM. This is another add-on to the cost savings you make.

Unlimited Bandwidth with 100% Uptime

Our VDI servers are high-performing and reliable, and they supply unlimited bandwidth and a 100% uptime to you and your clients. Our data centers that host these servers are the most advanced in infrastructure, security, and network connectivity. No matter how many user profiles you have on your VDI, all of them will experience unlimited bandwidth and 100% availability from our VDI servers, it is our assurance.

24/7 Technical Support

Our team of expert technicians are available around the clock for you to resolve any issues you face with the VDI environment or our servers. You can contact them anytime for your technical queries or any errors or problems associated with the configuration or functioning of the VMs. Our support team also monitors and manages the user profiles on your VDI platform centrally so that you get the best performance and reliability, and highest security from your virtual desktops.

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